Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt down and out? Or ever questioned your worth and purpose? On the other hand, have you ever been in the presence of someone who made you feel you …
Going through challenging times lately? You could potentially be experiencing a spiritual awakening…how exciting and delicious! An awakening of this sort typically occurs with some kind of painful-catalyst type of event. Examples would be: a birth, a death, a breakup, …
As the holiday season approaches, many of us get caught up in the flurry of activity, and stress, that often comes with it: busy shopping-malls, meal-preparation, decorating, letter and card-writing, get-togethers with every single person you know (it feels like), …
This year I’ve been introduced to the eight limbs of yoga. Now, for those who might think it means people who do yoga discover body parts they didn’t know they had, let me explain. The “eight limbs” are moral, ethical, …
It saddens me to see people suffer from past experiences and old ideas (I’ve been there). These unresolved, unprocessed emotions often remain hidden and locked in the subconscious mind, and more importantly, locked inside the body. These “hungry ghosts” (as …
It’s interesting to me how we as human being’s will do whatever it takes to avoid pain, and even more, endeavour to protect our kids from painful experiences. Our minds do a really good job of protecting us from probable …
Hmm, where do I begin? (I think to myself, as the mind races around to what’s next on this long list of things I “have” to do.) I confess to finding it a challenge to live in the now. I’m …
I’ve experienced much loss. Some losses were out of my control; some wherein I had to make the excruciating personal choice to let go because staying meant putting another above me. It’s all too easy in life to stay the …
It is my belief love and compassion can make the sadness, anger, and coldness you’ve been feeling, perhaps have become accustomed to feeling — heal. At least, that is my hope for everyone. Who really wins? As human beings we …
Every month I will be posting a blog or two relating to life lessons and life skills. I believe we can learn a lot through story telling as well as hearing personal stories. The intent is to give you a …