I loved this book! I have been reading since my early twenties and I must say this has been one of my top favourite reads.
In terms of understanding the “Ego” and it’s function, Dr.Cardwell C. Nuckols does an exemplary job. This information is worth knowing inside and out. Here’s a taste: “The ego is like clouds in the sky. The Self is like that sun that is always there behind the clouds. The clouds are the shades that block the ability to see the sun. As clouds break apart and begin to move away, the sun or “that which you are,” shines through. The spiritual search involves discovering and removing each piece of software or cloud. You do not need to add a thing. You already have it all.”
I will personally be re-reading it again and again and running Self-Discovery Groups centred around this book. As stated on the front cover, the Author commits to helping you achieve peace & tranquility beyond all understanding. If that peeks your interest I urge you to either rent it from your local public library or purchase a copy by clicking the link below. I ordered my copy a few weeks ago. Enjoy!
Source: Ego-Less Self by Cardwell C. Nuckols, Ph.D