Dinosaurs Divorce by Marc Brown and Laurie Krasny Brown

by Carolyn
Carolyn J. Collin Edmonton Life Coach Divorce Coach Support Groups

I am a huge fan of children’s books that teach about real life situations but especially transitional stages such as death and divorce. A dissolution of a marriage is said to be one of the most life altering events a person or a child can go through.

The authors of this particular book convey the subject matter (what is considered a heavy topic) in a gentle and encouraging fashion. The illustrations alone provide a comforting quality which may help ease a child’s mind while navigating his or her parents divorce.

If you are currently wading through this unpredictable time, I am here to aid you along and provide you with support and guidance. Click the contact link and let’s start a dialogue.

Source: Dinosaurs Divorce by Marc Brown and Laurie Krasny Brown 

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