February’s Monthly Intent

by Carolyn
Carolyn J. Collin Edmonton Life Coach Divorce Coach Support Groups

This month you are being called to wake-up! Tsunami’s occur when a disturbance happens undersea, typically caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption.

This card is asking the question…what in your life has been brewing underneath and kept from the surface? There may be an event in the form of a significant loss that has occurred which has left you feeling stunned and surprised.

“It is time to draw back the curtain of avoidance and denial, and confront the truth that exists in the subtext of this event.”

Were there signs and obvious clues that were ignored? It’s time to get real about where you are at and be honest with those you love. If not, you may continue to prolong your suffering and bring about more pain and loss in the near future.

“To negotiate this wake-up call, listen closely to your instincts, while at the same time seeking the higher ground of spiritual truth.”

Source: Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

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