Madly in Love with Me by Christine Arylo

by Carolyn
Carolyn J. Collin Edmonton Life Coach Divorce Coach Support Groups

Christine Arylo is a self love guru on a mission with assisting individuals in becoming their own best friend. I held a Self-Discovery Group around this book and noticed how great a need there is for this concept. What you’ll find are ideas on how to facilitate self love and nurturing in your own life.

Note, there are many different facets or branches to self love. The author illustrates this concept through the self love tree which I found to be my biggest take away. Every branch represents an aspect of self love whether it be the branch of expression, honour & respect, pleasure and esteem etc.  We are called to nurture each branch in order for the roots of our self love tree to remain strong and balanced. To this end we are less likely to be impacted by negative forces outside our control.

This little book offers many activities and self rating exercises to gauge where you’re at personally in order to make the necessary changes to grow self love.

Happy reading!

Source: Madly in Love with Me by Christine Arylo

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