October’s Monthly Intention

by Carolyn
Carolyn J. Collin Edmonton Life Coach Divorce Coach Support Groups

This months card, “The Seven of Emotion” speaks to how it can be difficult to make choices in life. At times there may be a multitude of options that we feel attracted to or times we don’t like any of the options at all. We are called this month to listen to our intuition and also to use our feelings “as an emotional compass” to guide us in the choices we make. You may feel compelled to call on your Guardian Angels to assist your situation for the purpose of creating a resolution that benefits all involved.

On another note, I feel this card is calling us to be more accepting of our states of being in whatever bubbles up (day to day or minute by minute.) Our ability to experience a plethora of emotions makes life much more interesting. Imagine only being able to feel one emotion day in and day out?! Really think about it…..how boring and colourless our lives would be! Life is a kaleidoscope of awesomeness, even the not so good lets us know when we are feeling the surreal parts of life.

Aim, to do your best to enjoy it all because we all are here for a short period of time in the grande scheme of things.

Source: Guardian Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

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